NAME: Sara Larabee * Mrs. Larabee
ELCM TITLE: Lead Teacher, Multi Age DEGREE/COURSEWORK: Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, Master's work towards Special Education, +Certified Arts Integration Specialist CERTIFICATION/CREDENTIAL: Beginning Educator Certificate, State of New Hampshire Infant to Grade 3 Certified Arts Integration Specialist Credential: State of NH DHHS Child Development Bureau: Master Teacher, Administrator Credential and Master Professional with endorsements for Mentoring Teacher & Program Consultant. WHAT GIVES YOU THE GREATEST JOY AS A TEACHER? I believe every child has the birthright to grow as a creative thinker and a cherished member of a community. Children are born with a natural curiosity to learn. My greatest joy as a teacher is to watch a child be so engaged and excited in the process of learning. I love watching children as they explore their world and create meaning from everyday experiences. |
NAME: Linda Erb * Mrs. Erb
ELCM TITLE: Lead Teacher, Multi Age DEGREE/COURSEWORK: Early Childhood Education: 30+ Credits Bachelors in Business Management CERTIFICATION/CREDENTIAL: Credential: State of NH DHHS Child Development Bureau: Master Teacher & Administrator WHAT GIVES YOU THE GREATEST JOY AS A TEACHER? My greatest joy in teaching Preschool comes from watching the children learn and grow with their curiosity and laughter and true love of learning. The relationships with my students and their families are something I will always treasure. |